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Active Bulgarian Society together with their partners from France, Spain, Greece, Netherlands and Italy all together successfully developed an Erasmus+ KA2 capacity building project on the topic of «Digital storytelling ». The DIGITALISE IT! project is a follow up of another project in which Y-E-N and other partners tested and validated other digital tools such as digital storytelling. The aim of the current project was to further explore other innovative, digital, and creative methods of storytelling to help fight youth unemployment and social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. 

The project's goals were to develop digital competences, to create a safe space for young people with fewer opportunities, and to promote peer-learning opportunities. It included 2 Training courses, 2 Study visits, and 3 transnational meetings.

Active Bulgarian Society organized two local workshops on the topic: one at school(link here), and another one local workshop about digital storytelling in the ABS office (link here) with the help of ABS team members and participants of the training course in Strasbourg. ABS also helped in making the toolkit and selecting and sending suitable youth participants for the training courses and study visits. 

The first training course took place at the beginning of April 2018 and included 12 youth workers/leaders from the 6 partner organizations of Y-E-N in Ostia-Rome (Italy). For 10 days, the participants had the chance to experience different methods of storytelling using digital tools. They had to write, record and film a personal story as part of the digital storytelling process.

Link to the Training Course videos here:

The second training course was at the beginning of July when 11 young people from 6 different countries gathered in Strasbourg. For those 10 days, participants learned together how to use digital storytelling and ended this powerful journey by telling their own stories.


The project also included two study visits in the Netherlands and Spain. The aim of the study visits was to allow the partner organizations to share the best practices in the field of storytelling, digital tools, and other innovative and creative approaches while working with young people with fewer opportunities. Here you can find more information about the study visit in Netherlands and in Spain.

For better cooperation of partners, there were also three transnational meetings - kick-off, mid-term, and final evaluation meeting. The kick-off meeting took place in 24-25 February 2018 for 2 days in Strasbourg (France) and it was hosted by Y-E-N. The aim of this meeting was to physically getting to know each other, launch the project and put in place the planning of the mobilities.

In December 2018 we had 2 days Mid-term meeting in Thessaloniki (Greece) - Hosted by U.S.B. The participants representing each partner were project Managers and coordinators. The aim of this meeting was to have a mid-term check of the project and evaluate the trainings (mobilities).

And last but not least, in November 2019 we had a final Evaluation meeting. The aim of this meeting was to evaluate the project together with the different participants of
the activities, wrote a pedagogical guide, set a follow-up strategy of the project and started to write the final report.

Link to other ABS articles about DIGITALISE IT! here:

Active Bulgarian Society team was happy to be part of the DIGITALISE IT!  project and to co-coordinate it, to share our experience, skills and competences in the topic of Digital Storytelling with the other partners and participants. Look forward to our next learning journey.

The project is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission and the Région Grand Est (France) and coordinated by Youth Express Network.


Active Bulgarian Society (Bulgaria)

Affabulazione (Italy)

The Exchangeables (NL)

United Societies of Balkans (Greece)

Youropia (Spain)

Youth Express Network (France)